Hi all,
As you might know by now, I'm creating a Java EE 6 Advanced training course
extensively using JBoss Forge. At one point, I create a set of EJBs.... and
I need to create a few methods on each one.
I was wondering if it would make sense to have JBoss Forge generating
methods ?
Until now, Forge creates classes (e.g. jpa-new-entity, cdi-new-bean,
java-new-class), annotations (cdi-new-qualifier,
constraint-new-annotation...), attributes (jpa-new-field,
java-new-field...) but nowhere Forge creates methods. This could make sense
in most of the artifacts (EJBs, CDI bean, Java, but also JPA).
Do you think it would be good to have such functionnality ?
Something like :
ejb-new-method --named findById --return org.agoncal.model.Author
--parameters Long id
ejb-new-method --named removeById --return void --parameters Long id
ejb-new-method --named updateName --return
org.agoncal.model.Author --parameters Long id, String name, String surname
java-new-method --named doStuff --return String --parameters Integer p1,
String p2, String p3
What do you think ?
Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
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http://www.antoniogoncalves.org/> |
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http://www.linkedin.com/in/agoncal> | Paris
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