This looks like an issue with the startup script. Can you try removing entirely the
FORGE_HOME variable from your environment and try again?
Em 25/04/2014, às 20:23, forge-users(a) escreveu:
In March, I reported this same problem with version 2.3.0.Final - see (/thread/238385)
Following the forge 2 instructions at , I
downloaded and unzipped it to a folder on my c:
I then changed my FORGE_HOME environment variable to point to the unzipped folder
My windows path variable previously contained %FORGE_HOME%\bin
I then opened a command window in that directory and executed the command forge
The opening banner appeared for the correct version but no prompt ever appeared so that I
could enter commands.
I was able to interrupt forge with Ctrl+C
As with the earlier version, I was required to download the no-addons version and then
run the command forge --install core
This produced a working version 2.5 of forge (after lebgthy downloads completed)
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