Portlets&Web services in JBT 3.0.0 Alpha1
by Aliaksey Nis
Hello Max,
Is in JBT 3.0.0 Alpha1 portlets and web service options(in create
Seam project wizard) fully implemented? Coz in build results we saw troubles with portlet
builder, and creation of Seam project with portlet option enabled
don't work properly.
So we can add to JIRA those issues with portlets? Or this functionality
will be added later?
!ENTRY org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core 4 0 2008-07-29 17:32:58.731
!MESSAGE Failed while installing JBoss Web Services Core 2.0.1.
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager.containerPutIfInitializingWithSameEntries(JavaModelManager.java:565)
Best regards,
Aliaksey mailto:anis@exadel.com
16 years, 4 months