by Max Rydahl Andersen
Hi Eugene,
I noticed that JBIDE-2010 have been resolved, but what was actually done ?
Is it done so others than VPE can use it ? e.g. that was why my comment
about not putting the preference page under VPE editor options but should
be more general.
16 years, 6 months
Retagging for jbosstools-3.0.0.Alpha1
by Dzmitry Sakovich was retagged in build jbosstools-3.0.0.Alpha1 to
solve problem with resources path for CSS Editor dialog in build.
Best regards,
Dzmitry Sakovich
16 years, 6 months
Assigning components and versions in jira
by Max Rydahl Andersen
We now got over 50 unscheduled issues and/or without component in them.
Many of these seem to be created by us or assigned to someone and working
on them - could you please then
edit the issues to have the right component AND what version you expect
the fix in ?
That would keep jira much more usefull...
thanks :)
16 years, 6 months
Adding $NON-NLS$ comments
by Sean Flanigan
G'day all,
I'm part of Red Hat's i18n team, and sooner or later (or a bit of both)
I'm going to be working on internationalising JBoss Tools (and
DevStudio). I gather quite a bit's been done, but I'm sure there's some
work left to do...
To that end, I would like to make use of Eclipse's warning for
"Non-externalized strings (missing/unused $NON-NLS$ tag)" at least in my
own development workspace. (Perhaps as part of the build process one day.)
This would cause Eclipse to generate a warning for any string which
isn't followed by the comment: //$NON-NLS-1$
Such warnings are very helpful for pinpointing strings which need to be
replaced with ResourceBundle lookups. Other strings (eg containing
plugin IDs) would not be changed, just marked with the non-nls comment
to record the fact that they have been looked at.
I would probably end up adding quite a few non-nls comments to the code,
so it's best I talk about it now, before it ends up all over the codebase!
Sean Flanigan
Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat
16 years, 6 months