4.2.x is now open for 4.2.3 (that will be included in Developer Studio 8.1)
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Just a heads up that now that we have tagged and released 4.2.2, the
jbosstools-4.2.x branch
are open for issues related to 4.2.3.
This 4.2.3 is planned to be what is included in JBoss Developer Studio
Please be aware that this version is intended to backwards compatible
with the 4.2 releases;
especially consideration is to be sure we do not break Integration stack
in context of
changed dependencies or any API they use.
Thus as always, take care in what changes you do, have a jira for each
work so QE/docs are aware
and don't be afraid to ask for more than one review of PRs if any
Happy 8.1!
9 years, 10 months
Security for in TP 4.41.2.CR1-SNAPSHOT: JGit
by Mickael Istria
Some of you may be aware that a vulnerability was found in most Git
clients (including JGit):
In order to not propagate this vulnerability, we've updated the target
platform 4.41.2.CR1-SNAPSHOT to ship a fixed version of EGit/JGit.
Parent pom 4.2.2-SNAPSHOT will be updated to consume the modified
4.41.2.CR1-SNAPSHOT target-platform.
Jobs for jbosstools-4.2.x branch will be updated to consume and ship the
modified 4.41.2.CR1-SNAPSHOT target-platform.
Then, when we have made the necessary test to validate that our change
has the expected effect on JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio, we'll
release this 4.41.2.CR1-SNAPSHOT target-platform as a 4.41.2.Final,
re-update parent pom and jobs, and we'll be able to proceed with staging
of JBT 4.2.2/JBDS 8.0.2.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets
9 years, 10 months
JBDSIS 8.0.0.Beta2/ JBTIS 4.2.0.Beta2 now live
by Paul Leacu
The latest Eclipse-Luna capable, JBDS 8.0.1.GA compatible Integration Stack Beta tooling is
released. This capture contains new versions of BPEL, BPMN2, ESB, drools/jBPM, Fuse Tooling,
SwitchYard and Teiid Designer.
This beta release is available as "development" or as "early access".
JBDSIS 8.0.0.Beta2, JBTIS 4.2.0.Beta2
1. If installing from Eclipse Luna:
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
- in the 'Search' tab enter 'jbds' in the 'Find' input widget
- select the 'Go' button
- install 'Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1.GA'
2. Start jbdevstudio or eclipse (with jbds from step 1)
3. Select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. Check the "Enable Early Access" check box.
The production Early Access tooling appears in the 'Features Available' window.
The standard p2 installer is also available for JBDSIS:
1. If installing from Eclipse Luna:
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
- in the 'Search' tab enter 'jbds' in the 'Find' input widget
- select the 'Go' button
- install 'Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 8.0.1.GA'
2. Start jbdevstudio or eclipse-with-jbds from step 1, then:
Help > Install New Software...
- use this for 'Location:'
The standard p2 installer is available for the community capture (JBTIS):
1. Install JBoss Tools 4.2.1.Final:
Help > Eclipse Marketplace...
- in the 'Search' tab enter 'jboss tools' in the 'Find' input widget
- select the 'Go' button
- install 'JBoss Tools 4.2.1.Final'
2. Start eclipse-with-jbt from step 1, then:
Help > Install New Software...
- use this for 'Location:'
JBoss Central is supported for the community capture as Early Access (JBTIS):
1. Start eclipse-with-jbt from step 1
2. Select the Software/Update tab in the JBoss Central view. Check the "Enable Early Access" check box.
The Early Access tooling appears in the 'Features Available' window.
A standalone p2 installer is available for the community capture (JBTIS):
* Start eclipse Luna, then:
Help > Install New Software...
- use this for 'Location:'
For component and QE test developers - the JBTIS target platform is:
Give it a try!
9 years, 10 months