Hey Max,
Two problems here:
1) No way you can make a failsafe way to detect this so this should
just be something users get *warned* about - not *error*'ed.
2) Eclipse Facet's doesn't allow such graduation - it either is ok or
its not. *annoying*
…which is why we never really pushed hard on this.
I figured and agree. Never hurts to ask though. ;)
> I've spent a day or so trying to navigate the plethora of
> extension points and haven't been able to figure out which way to
> go. I was assuming a "RuntimeComponentType" was the way to go,
> but haven't been able to see how anything I register would
> actually be picked up by an existing runtime.
> Any thoughts? Experiences to share?
I think the one that does most of this is the jboss portal stuff -
look in that module.
I'm going with the advice above.
Thanks again,