On 10/25/2016 10:36 AM, Mickael Istria wrote:
On 10/25/2016 05:35 PM, Alexey Kazakov wrote:
> On 10/25/2016 08:33 AM, Alexey Kazakov wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes, in general, I think it would make sense to move upstream
>> JBossTools parts which are not Red Hat specific. But technically
>> it's not so easy. For example our HTML editor uses a lot of shared
>> code from base/common and jst components. Validation, navigation,
>> Palette, etc. All these are our internal JBossTools frameworks which
>> we havily use in different JBossTools components. So we can't just
>> move HTML editor to Eclipse without moving a lot of common
>> JBossTools code. In the past we actually discussed if we can move
>> some our stuff like JavaEE stuff to Eclipse but faced the same issues.
Are there jiras or Eclipse bugs about it?
I imagine a part of the JBoss Tools "frameworks| could be moved
together with the contributed services and extensions.
No, we don't have any related jiras.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer for Red Hat Developers <
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