On 11/20/2012 12:38 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> The idea is to add to VPE the must have features, like the
support of JavaScript and HTML5 and the support of 64-bit JVM on all OS. And get rid of
all less important features and the features that do not work very well (i.e. editing -
that is why we call it 'viewer').
> I know it is just a name but this is still going to be part of an *editor* - its just
that the visual part is not editable.
> For me VPE still works, its a Visual Preview Editor ;)
> Ha-ha. Ok, but it would be not bad if we had a name to distinguish it from
'classic' VPE.
True, so VPV is a part of VPE ? :)
What is your plans for making it available - as an extra tab on VPE or even as a separate
view ?
We should have two implementation of VisualEditor interface.
If only one is installed there should be only one tab.
If two are installed it supposed to be configurable which one to use.
>> • Leave XULRunner DOM based templates as is and create wrappers for
browser nodes.
>> - Simpler than the previous approach, but slower and requires to build visual DOM
in the UI thread.
> Okey so how do we handle this migration ?
> If its a rewrite I assume the two will be able to coexist ?
> Yes, I assume they two will coexist until we decide that the new one is mature enough
to completely replace the old one and XULRunner things.
we've seen a few issues with the browsersim not working all smooth with WebKit, but I
guess for VPV this is less of a concern since we will simply just
be using whatever built-into-eclipse browser is enabled by the user on his platform,
> If it is a rewrite we should make sure to move everything that is not public api into
internal packages.
> Will do it.
Would also be good to make an effort on making the API to add support for other libraries
more approachable than previous VPE.
i.e. documented API's, example of how to do it etc.
>> We are going to open a TCP port, what about security?
>> No problem here. Java allows to restrict connections to localhost only:
>> new ServerSocket(8383, 0, InetAddress.getByName("localhost"))
>> At least the standard Windows firewall does not worry and does not show the
“Security alert” pop-up.
> don't we need to have a http server for each page that is open ?
> i.e. if you have the same page name (i.e. index.html and ../images/funky.gif) ...but
different content for your project.
> How is that handled?
> One http server for one eclipse instance. Pages on the server will be available under
paths like localhost:xxxx/project/pathtopage/page.jsp. We could also dispose the server
when no VPE editor is opened.
How about absolute relative paths like "/images/funky.png" - I guess that will
be handled the same way as before where the href's are rewritten to have a proper
"root" ?
btw. who's github branch are you doing this work in ? Would be nice to take a look
and try run it from time to time.
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