Morning guys,
Back from holiday so apologies for not answering sooner.
No problem at all with sharing it and moving it forward. I haven't had much time to
give it more
attention, especially as the current prototype satisfies teiid designer's current
However, always intended to try and get it more generic ...
The locus source repository is available here[1].
It is currently used as part of Teiid Designer 8.1 alpha/beta releases and unreleased 8.1+
code so
if there are to be changes affecting the plugin namespaces then probably before 8.1's
release would
be preferable. If not, then as long as the current locus update site remains for 8.1 then
we can
transition to a new update site for 8.2.
The current locus update site that Teiid Designer fetches plugins from is here[2].
Let me know thoughts ... chat further
On 04/17/2013 04:33 PM, Mickael Istria wrote:
Hi Paul,
I can see in your comments on that you've
started to
work on an "Orbit-like" repo to share some common JAR dependencies as OSGi
bundles on a p2 repo.
We see that as an interesting prototype for a JBoss Orbit/Locus that we could share for
Eclipse-based repo at Eclipse. We'd like to make some changes such as fixing some
package names,
avoid committing jars (in favor of maven-dependency-plugin or maven-download-plugin), add
and others...
Do you have any objection with making this repo part of the jbosstools organization ?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
Paul Richardson
* p.g.richardson(a)
* pgrichardson(a)
* mob: +44 (0)9780 869490