Re: Moving to XulRunner 1.9
by Maksim Areshkau
On Tue, 2009-05-19 at 08:27 -0400, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> > > I don't have the resources to promise that the javaxpcom will
> > work/be
> > > maintained so i guess for now we will just continue to bundle the
> > > eclipse/mozilla custom built one so any security issues is not
> > exposed
> > > in the general browser but only in the development tooling
> > > where it is less of an issue since it is primarily used to access
> > > local sites.
> > >
> > > /max
> > What does this mean for question move VPE on xulrunner 1.9 or not?
> > /Maksim Areshkau
> That beyo8nd xulrunner 1.9 removing features we depend on we now also
> need someone to maintain the xpcom interfaces...afaik ATF did that before.
Java XPCOM bridge provided by mozilla, what doing ATF gays - just
provided a plugin with this interfaces, if so it's not difficult to do.
> Who does it now ?
> /max
Almost all xpcom interfaces that used by us has frozen status and
shouldn't changed, so this doesn't needed to change something.
Maksim Areshkau
15 years, 3 months
M2 test failures
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I was hoping it was not necessary for me to continue doing this but
there is now tests that have been in the build for the last 13 failures
and noone reacted to them, so here it goes:
Latest 13(!) builds:
AS: 1
JSFVerification: 1
I don't remember seeing any posts or jira on these 2.
Rob Stryker got some insights ? Do they fail on your local build ?
Alexey/Victor/Slava: What is the jsf verifier about ?
Other minor ones:
Lastest 2 builds:
JMX: 1
New but reoccurring(?) failures:
Seam: 3 failures
JBossWS: 2
15 years, 6 months
The issue of project module factories
by Rob Stryker
This is a short discussion regarding project module factories for use
while investigating how to implement the esb module factory properly:
Most of the module factories in eclipse are excessively inefficient (and
complex). The server API doesn't *need* to be that complex. Some of the
reasons for this are that the virtual component framework has references
to other projects, references to outside or inside jars, and references
to classpath variables. This in itself isn't hte problem... the problem,
ultimately, is that for each resource (inside hte project or outside),
the factory needs to decide whether this is a "resource" to be
published, or a "child module". It then also needs to create a child
module wrapper for each of these jars that count as child modules.
The way most of hte module factories out there do this is by OPENING and
SCANNING each jar / zip resource in the project and checking for certain
descriptors to find out if this is an approved module or not. If it's an
approved child module, it comes up as a child module. If it's not, it
comes up as a resource. As we've seen, though, there were for a long
time bugs where something would come up as both.
It's arguable that, if we simply treat ALL jars (inside the project or
linked) as "resources" instead of child modules, this removes the
necessity of scanning each file, opening it, etc. This also means the
only thing that would qualify as a child module would be linked projects.
So... what do we lose by this? What functionality do we lose by
treating these jars as resources and not as child modules?
As far as I can tell, *all* we lose is UI... the ability for the child
module to show itself properly in the view as a child module, or in the
add / remove project wizard. I'm still investigating of course, but I
believe that if we were willing to take this UI hit, the programming of
a proper deployable factory for ESB (and all other new) project types
could be much cleaner, much more efficient, much more maintainable, and
much less controversial than the JEEModuleFactory.
15 years, 6 months
Input for 20 min talk about Eclipse 3.5
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I'm doing a talk about whats new in JBT and Eclipse 3.5 next week and I
got most of the slides prepared, but
would like to hear what *your* favorite new feature in Eclipse 3.5 is ?
Currently I'm highlighting P2 improvements, API Tools, various ui
enhancements (block select, multi-hyperlink and camelcase completion),
Mac and Solaris support - what would you add to the list ?
15 years, 6 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Re: Status: 25 May 2009
by Galder Zamarreno
Scott Marlow wrote:
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> Neither I :(
>>>>> If you find an answer to this, please let me know!
>>>>> Let me cc the jboss tools team in case they know cos they're the
>>>>> Eclipse gurus :)
>>>> What maven plugin are you using ?
>>> I am using m2eclipse ( and it is
>>> actually working correctly (my first search was misleading as there
>>> truly are zero callers to AbstractController.setExecutor()). I am
>>> using the "import maven projects" option on the "File/Import" menu in
>>> Eclipse 3.4.2.
>> Okey - so it is actually working correctly ? ;)
> It is working correctly for me. How about you Galder?
Yes, it is. We got confused with the class name.
>> -max
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache
15 years, 6 months
Cluster Feature Collecting
by Rob Stryker
Hi All:
I'd like to hear any and all clustering use cases relevant to tooling
that any of you have run into. Whether it be creating multiple servers /
runtimes / profiles, actions you'd like supported on a cluster type node
in the view, anything you can imagine. Spit it out. Speak up. Or
forever hold your peace ;)
15 years, 6 months
XModel and i18n
by Sean Flanigan
Of the 26,000 unreviewed strings, about 5,100 of them are in the
"common" module, and 4,700 of them are in*
Can you give me some idea of what XModel is? Is there some sort of
architectural overview I should read? I obviously have a lot to learn
about how JBoss Tools fits together!
I gather XModel is used to build most of the JBoss Tools UI from .meta
files. Is it meant to be available for other uses as well, or is it
basically an internal feature? (It doesn't seem to be listed as a
feature on the update site.) And is much of the text inside XModel
shown in the UI when it is used by other features?
To put it another way, does it make sense to externalize/translate the
text in, or would it be better to leave it
in English?
Sean Flanigan
Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat
15 years, 6 months
Handling plurals properly
by Sean Flanigan
Handling plurals in an internationalized way is something of an unsolved
problem in Java, at least in Eclipse circles.
Here's some code I found in [1].
message = DefaultCreateHandler.title(parent, true) +
" can contain only " + max +
((max == 1) ? " child " : " children ") +
"with entity " + entity + ".";
I'm not sure whether the XModel needs i18n, but that's a subject for my
other email. Here, it's just an example.
Now I can use MessageFormat to construct the strings like this:
message = ((max == 1) ?
"{0} can contain only {1} child with entity {2}.",
DefaultCreateHandler.title(parent, true), max, entity)
: MessageFormat.format(
"{0} can contain only {1} children with entity {2}.",
DefaultCreateHandler.title(parent, true), max, entity));
but that only tends to work for Germanic languages, since every language
has different rules for plurals, and even differing numbers of plural
There's a few ways we can deal with this sort of thing:
1. Use a clunky workaround like:
"{0} can contain only {1} child(ren) with entity {2}."
2. Reformulate [3] the sentence, perhaps like this:
"Parent has too many children with entity. Parent: {0}, Number of
children: {1}, Entity {2}"
3. Use ICU's PluralFormat [4] support:
"{1, plural, " +
"one {{0} can contain only # child with entity {2}.} " +
"other {{0} can contain only # children with entity {2}.}}",
new Object[] {parent, max, entity});
4. Use Gettext's plural support[5], by using
gnu.gettext.GettextResource.ngettext() instead of
java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(). Actually, we can't really use
libgettext as is [6], but we could borrow the plural handling (it's
LGPL) and use it with Eclipse's Messages classes or ResourceBundles.
I18n.ngettext(Messages.class, "TOO_MANY_CHILDREN", a, b, c);
where the English might be
TOO_MANY_CHILDREN_0={0} can contain only one child with entity {2}.
TOO_MANY_CHILDREN_1={0} can contain only {1} children with entity {2}.
I18n.ngettext(Messages.TOO_MANY_CHILDREN, a, b, c);
where the English might be
TOO_MANY_CHILDREN={0} can contain only one child with entity {2}.\
|{0} can contain only {1} children with entity {2}.
Option 1 is commonly used, but ugly across all languages.
I think option 2 deserves consideration. Yes, it's a workaround, and
reformulating the sentences may be difficult, but I think the result
will often be clearer than the original, even in English. (If the above
example isn't clear, it's probably because I didn't understand the
original in context.) Using this workaround may avoid the need for
options 3 and 4.
Option 3 is pretty strong in some ways, since ICU comes with Galileo,
and it seems to be very complete. ICU even comes with predefined plural
rules built-in for a number of languages. However, the translation
strings end up being almost unreadable, which makes them almost
Option 4 can work, but will require solving some technical issues. For
instance, either we encode 1-4 plural forms into a single resource
bundle string (with some sort of delimiter, which leads to edge cases)
or we generate resource keys at runtime to look up the plural we want
(which means Eclipse's wizards thinks those resource keys are unused).
It may also be appropriate to use option 2 for some messages, and option
3/4 in cases where option 2 is not good enough.
[6] The Gettext API expects the ResourceBundle keys to be the actual
English text, not a made-up key. This doesn't match the Eclipse
approach with Messages classes where key is a field name.
Sean Flanigan
Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat
15 years, 6 months
Pass @Parameter value to a TestNG test from Eclipse?
by Galder Zamarreno
I've got a question regarding TestNG and Eclipse. Does anyone know how
to pass the value of a @Parameter to a test from Eclipse? I've got a
test that has:
protected void setUpTempDir(String basedir) {
But I can't execute it from Eclipse cos it didn't get the basedir
parameter. So, I was wondering if there's any way to pass such parameter
from Eclipse.
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache
15 years, 6 months
Actions required: Cleaning up jira
by Max Rydahl Andersen
As some of you have noticed I cleaned up jira yesterday. For many issues
I set a fix version, but please react if that
is not possible or in some other thing is in the way to get it fixed.
Some already did that and I appreciate that.
That said...
25+ jira's had no components assigned.
Since most of these were created by some from our team that number
should not be so high.
Please remember to set the component on jira's also on subtasks (jira
unfortunately does not do that automatically).
If you can't find a matching component then ask or suggest for a new
80+ had no fix version assigned, most of these had a component
This means that those who are leading the various areas (esb, smooks,
as, vpe, hibernate, etc.)
have not been looking at these and figured out if the issue is to be
fixed and assign a planned fix version.
If some issue is not doable now then assign fix LATER or if the issue it
outdated/not-relevant then resolve it
with a comment of why.
I and Denis look at the planned issues from time to time and we
definitely monitor the changes and react
if there is something we disagree with - but we can't monitor all issues
being reported or changed every day against 40+ components.
If each lead took the time every second or third day to ensure the
jira's in their respective component has a fix version and otherwise is
more or less uptodate then we have a much better chance of getting
things planned out and fixed better.
Next steps:
Going forward Denis and I will sync up during this week to move the
tentative dates we have set in jira
right now to be more concrete and then we will ask every component lead
to help plan out based on the requirements which where outlined in the
teammeeting (slides sent before for those who didn't make it) and some
of the new requirements we have received since then.
And we would like to move to a more stringent timeboxed release mode
where we remove scope to make a release at a certain date than having to
postpone the releases. We have actually being doing that to a certain
degree but we should get that done more explicitly.
Thank you for listening,
15 years, 6 months