On 06/17/2014 05:43 PM, Fred Bricon wrote:
One other major issue is AngularJS support won't work OOTB on
64bits :
If we really want to fix it for respin-whatever, we'll need to (at
least) :
- (partially?) rebuild tern.java 0.2.0 with my patch backported from
- update org.jboss.tools.jst.jsdt/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF to update
version constraints
- rebuild new Target Platform(s)
- rebuild JBDS installer
The alternative is to release Beta2 as is and document how to install
and configure a native NodeJS runtime on Windows.
On Skype, another decision was
taken for Beta2:
* Apply patch
* Rebuild jbosstools-jst
* rebuild JBT aggregate
* rebuild JBDS
* Document for Beta2 that Windows x86_64 users need to have nodejs
Fred's suggestion is actually the good fix, but will be applied for
Beta3 as we can't afford so much risks and additional delay for Beta2.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <
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