2014-03-17 14:24 GMT+01:00 Victor Rubezhny <vrubezhny(a)exadel.com>:
On 03/17/2014 05:07 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
> Hi Victor,
> Just for your information, I have changed the Tern console. Now you
> cannot open it at hand.
> It opens automaticly a tern console per project as soon as tern server is
> called.
> I hope there still a preference that allows to enable/disable the trace
output to Tern Console.
Yes sure, this preferences was not removed.
And now you have a stop button to stop the tern server of the project. It
> can be useful when you develop a tern plugin to restart the server.
> Hope you will like it this new feature.
Yeah, that really helps. Thanks!
Regards Angelo