versioned 4.1.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT, with BUILD_ALIAS=Beta2).
Your root pom *in master branch ONLY AFTER you branch for Beta1x*,
should now use Beta2 version of parent pom.
Beta1x branch should use Beta1 version.
Once I see that everyone has branched, I'll start spinning up the jobs.
Please reply to this thread so I know who's done.
On 05/17/2013 07:01 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Hi all,
Today is branch/codefreeze day as planned [1].
Special note:
Newcomers to this came is jbosstools-arquillian and jbosstools-aerogear - Snjezan/Gorkem,
speak up if any issues doing this.
A quick reminder what that means for each component/repo owner:
0) Make sure your component(s) has no remaining jiras for 4.1.0.Beta1 in jira.
If anything left over (besides New and noteworthy writing issues) that would
be done in respins which we wish to keep to a bare minimum, hopefully
completely avoid.
1) Make sure your component uses 4.1.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT as the version for jboss tools
Should look something like this:
2) Make sure your component builds and passes its tests when run locally.
$ mvn clean verify
3) Make a branch for the beta1 builds to use.
Most components uses master, thus the steps would be something like:
$ git checkout master
$ git pull origin master
$ git checkout -b jbosstools-4.1.0.Beta1x
$ git push origin jbosstools-4.1.0.Beta1x
4) Respond to this mail before end of today with a "All Done for component:
<your component>" or "<your component> cannot branch/freeze
today because of
<jira issues> must be done first"
Thank you!
jbosstools-dev mailing list
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio