The SeamProjectCreator.execute() method is called only from the New Seam
Project wizard.
If the Seam facet is added in some other way (using the Project Facets
property page, for instance), this method won't be called.
Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
A question came to me...does this prevent peacemal creation of a seam
project ?
i.e. adding seam facet to a war that already has an ear association ?
> Ok. If we don't have a better idea then let's move
> SeamProjectCreator.execute() to Seam facet install delegate.
> But I think it's better to use DataModel to switch on EAR projects
> creation in Seam Facet install delegate.
> Something like
> public boolean performFinish() {
> SeamInstallWizardPage page =
> (SeamInstallWizardPage)getPage(SeamUIMessages.SEAM_INSTALL_WIZARD_PAGE_SEAM_FACET);
> IDataModel model = page.getConfig();
> model.setProperty(ISeamFacetDataModelProperties.CREATE_EAR_PROJECTS,
> Boolean.TRUE);
> ...
> return super.performFinish();
> }
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> On 10-02-2009 11:12, Snjezana Peco wrote:
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> We agreed about the possibility of adding RichFaces libraries
>>>>> because PortletBridge requires their specific version.
>>>>> If the user wants to add them, he could do it either from the
>>>>> PortletBridge or from the RichFaces distribution.
>>>>> IDE wouldn't force the user to do anything of that.
>>>>> The problem with the New Seam Project wizard is that it doesn't
>>>>> allow any other facet to contribute to EAR, EJB or test project
>>>>> because these projects are created after executing the web facet
>>>>> actions. This isn't related to the libraries. We can't add
>>>>> contribution to these projects.
>>>> Yes, I know - still hate it though ;)
>>>> btw. if the libs are relevant for the EAR shouldn't you be able to
>>>> listen for EAR install delegate and add things in there ?
>>> That is not possible because EAR install (post install) delegate
>>> isn't called within the New Seam Project wizard. EAR/EJB projects
>>> are imported from Web actions
>>> for these projects aren't called.
>> oooh ... that sucks ;(
>> -max
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