On 11 Jul 2014, at 17:30, Mickael Istria wrote:
Tried the open folder/project.
First impressions good, here are my feedback on it:
1) the menu item says "Open folder/project" but during the import it
seem to write in progress "Creating Folder" ...that is misleading..what
folder are being created ?
2) It seem to just guess and then import - user has zero chance of
actually confirming if the guess is right.
3) It seem to just look at the toplevel dir, I think it should look
recursively like Import project(s) does and then show which projects and
what guessed project types it will be imported as.
4) In general I think the UI would be better if similar to import so you
dont have to just get the OS specific browser as the first thing (i.e.
being able to easily type full path and/or get list of what projects
will be imported would make it easier to comprehend what is going on
5) it would be really nice if this feature would be automatically called
if I dragged a folder to eclipse window
6) javascript seem to get enabled on all projects I try import even
thogh they aren't all javascript...(i.e. importing jbosstools-browsersim
root folder)
7) import of a multimodule project like jbosstools-browsersim only
result in one top root level project (if I used the maven import it
would have imported the others)
8) it made the target folder in org.jboss.tools.vpe.browsersim.debugger
the source folder for the java project - not sure why. it is a PDE
project that can be deduced from meta-inf and build.properties...
that said this is a really nice feature and would like to see how we
could include it into jbosstools and definitely try get it into eclipse