On 13 Mar 2014, at 17:13, Jonathan Fuerth wrote:
Wondering if anyone on the JBT team is interested in helping to
fine-tune this idea and acting as a mentor for this year’s Summer of
From the prospective GSoC student:
> Create Tattletale plugin for Eclipse
> Lot of tools have plugin for eclipse. (Findbugs, PMD...). Tattletale
> plugin for Eclipse does not exist, but this way it should be easier
> to use comparing to usage trough console . The basic implementation
> of this plugin could display standard Tattletale HTML report, but
> some sub reports like "Unused Jar" or "Multiple Jar files" could
> "mark" some referenced libraries displayed in the Eclipse controls
> and highlight them for removal.
I’ve been impressed with this student’s initiative so far, but
unfortunately the original project he approached me about was already
completed in last year’s round of GSoC.
I found GSoC mentorship to be a fun and rewarding process. It’s not
too heavy on red tape, so most of the time you invest is actually
spent helping with actual coding issues. There’s maybe 90 minutes of
filling out forms over the whole 4 month term. Depending on the
student, you might expect to spend 4-6 hours a week mentoring on the
coding project itself: answering questions, offering pointers to good
docs and tutorials, making sure they don’t stay stuck on one thing
for a week, etc.
Sounds like an interesting project but this year I think i'm personally
more interested in aiding those working on improving things
at eclipse core rather than "putting more on top". Thus I'll be signing
up for aiding on
If someone else are interested in helping on Tattletale they should - I
just don't have the bandwidth to do this one.
FYI: other eclipse related gsoc's are at
Good luck!