maven.gwt.feature is missing sourceTemplateFeature and that lead to
component build error related to missing source feature (fixed in svn)
the same problem fixed in svn for
There is compilation problems in central component (were fixed couple
days ago in svn)
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-compiler-plugin:0.15.0:compile (default-compile)
on project Compilation failure:
Compilation failure:
[ERROR] editor = JBossCentralActivator.getJBossCentralEditor();
[ERROR] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I don know if this is done on purpose, but:
- temp-jbosstools-runtime-soa cannot be built because esb component
plug-ins are missing and there is no temp-jbosstools-esb on github
- there is also no module for openshift component
- temp-jbosstools-deltacloud is empty
On 10/04/2012 11:12 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
Hi, now has temp-jbosstools-* repos now loaded with svn data
from 2 days ago.
These are *temporary* repositories so you can do whatever you want with them.
Please try and fork/clone these, import them and see if things work as they should in
Check if you can build with tycho.
check if the branches/tags looks like you expect them to look etc.
I've started setting up push rights for the appropriate repos but i'm missing a
bunch of users -
so please respond to the other email asking for your github username if you need push
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