This is probably because it's deploying into a metadata location in the
workspace and that metadata location is only added as a deployable
location via JMX after bootup.
You can still make your server deploy to a specific location inside the
automatically-added** location (aka the deploy folder) by opening the
Server Editor (double-click the server) and changing the preferences there.
Galder Zamarreno wrote:
Galder Zamarreno wrote:
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> On 25-03-2009 17:04, Galder Zamarreno wrote:
>>> Example:
>>> I have an .aop archive that contains bind pointcut information that
>>> I need to apply to classes that are loaded *before* AS has finished
>>> starting.
>>> Currently, I have a problem with the current deployment strategy
>>> because the .aop file is being deployed after AS has started.
>>> How are u planning to deal with this?
>> you deploy, start server, restart server ...that works, right ?
> No, it doesn't work. The .aop archive always gets deployed *after*
> the server has finished starting up.
>> And what about clicking publish on the archive before the server is
>> started ?
> Tried but it does not make a difference.
Try the attached .sar for example. Check when the following line is
17:36:29,770 INFO [DataSourceFacade] start()
> I suppose there should be an optional possibility of copying file to
> deploy directory when it's published because that way, startup
> deployments work. This would be optional and only to be used with
> certain deployments.
>> /max
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