Hi guys,
There is a problem when I create jboss ws and rum a client sample.
Now I focus on extending wtp web service framework to support
JBoss WS. To do this task, we must firstly create a dynamic web
project and then generate web service or web service client codes.
So far I can create web service and web service client. For user's
convenience I generate a client sample to call web service.
But you know, if the dynamic web project is assigned a jboss server
system will add a jboss server classpath container to the project
classpath and add many jars into this container. These jars include
jaxws-rt.jar and jaxws-tools.jar. When I run the web service client
sample class, a issue occurs and the client do not call web servcie
successfully. After google this issue, I found only if remove the
two jars (jaxws-rt.jar and jaxws-tools.jar) from project classpath,
the issue will be fixed successfully.
So how to do to fix this issue? I think we have two ways:
1 when create jboss server classpath container, we do not add these
two jars to the container.
But in this case, I do not know whether other dynamic web projects
can run successfully without these two jars.
2 Like done as before, add all of jars to jboss server container. When I
create web service client project, I remove these two jars from the
but I do not know how remove jars from a container?
Which way is better? and if choose second way, who can tell me how to
remove jars from a classpath container?