You can deploy maven war or ear file to some JBoss Tools server in the
following way:
- build the file using Run As>Maven install
- right-click the ear or war file and select "Make deployable"
You can't do this for other WTP servers.
Daniel Green wrote:
It would be cool if the user, on the server edit page, could specify
maven goals to be used for generating the ear or war file to be
published. Right under the "Ant Publisher Properties" there's some
room... Is this a feasible goal? I'd be willing to put time into
developing it. As of now, deploying has been a gigantic pain when
using maven. I've found myself fighting with eclipse for days now...
Obviously not all projects would be maven enabled, so perhaps checking
for m2eclipse nature or a pom.xm before building that way. The latter
may be best. How feasible is this?
Thank you for hearing my idea,
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