I am currently working on setting up a Jenkins job which builds the Fuse Eclipse tooling
and then deploys the update site
to some web server. There are some questions I have and maybe someone can help me a bit…
1. I set up a Jenkins job already
and used the SwitchYard Eclipse Tools
job as template. So far all is fine and the project builds but I saw that my update site
repository zip file has a different naming than for example SwitchYard Tools where it
is named like "site-assembly.zip". How can I change the name of the created zip
2. The SwitchYard Tools job is calling a shell script after the Maven build is finished.
You pull some script file from a remote location and execute it locally at the Jenkins
This script seems to do the update site deployment or at least some preparations
(haven't fully examined the script) but it seems to be a general script which is used
more than one project. (btw. this script assumes that the update site zip file is named
like "site-assembly.zip" if I understood it correctly)
The question is now if I can also call that script in our Jenkins job. Maybe somebody
could explain a bit more detailed what exactly is done by that script and to check with
if that script can be used for Fuse Tools as well.
3. I saw that the SwitchYard Tools Jenkins job triggers another job after it is finished.
What exactly is that job doing and how can I setup one for Fuse Tools job too (if that is
Maybe some or all of my questions are answered in some document? If yes, please point me
to it. :)