Hi all,
Small steps after small steps, we're coming to a simpler and more
explicit approach to inter-JBT dependency management. We used to have a
composite site linking to all components and consume this in any
component to resolve dependencies. This had major pitfalls:
* It allows cyclic dependencies between components
* Some deleted bundles can remain because they're in the composite
* It is not very explicit in term of what depends on what
So we'll soon get rid of it, and replace this composite by direct
reference to necessary other component sites in root pom (for each
component) and by removing the composite site and related profiles.
Here is how things will change:
Default value for jbosstools-site-stream variable will be controlled by
parent pom.
This change shouldn't require you anything. At the contrary, this change
will be the opportunity for you and us to drop some counter-intuitive
things and save some space in our memories to put nice souvenirs there
If you have any comment or question, feel free to ask them in
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-16309 .
So get ready for a bunch of incoming PR for your component to add these
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <
My blog <
http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets