Sean Flanigan wrote:
Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> I think adding P2 metadata to the repo is supposed to help:
>> . I might have to
>> look at generating P2 metadata for the langpacks' site.xml.
> we need to look into the same for our update site in general.
It turned out to be really straightforward, unless I'm not doing it
right. Have a look at the p2 task in
The "hard" part was wrapping each argument in <arg> tags (and knowing
that it's a good idea to turn off the splash screen (!) and enable
console logging).
I knew it was too easy:
As of Eclipse 3.4.1, you can have categories in your update site, or you
can have updates that finish within a human lifespan. Not both.
In the case of langpacks, I think I'll keep the P2 metadata. I'll add a
note to the P2 JIRA:
Sean Flanigan
Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat