Due to recent changes to the way we run the Jenkins jobs, using explicit
commandline overrides to specify the target platform version used, the
new Juno-based 4.22.2 target platform listed in the parent pom was NOT
used to run the jobs for 4.0.1.CR1a / 6.0.1.CR1a.
(More manual steps / things to update == more chance something will be
The result of this is that aggregate builds did not run with, and
therefore include, the newer m2e-wtp 0.17.0 bits
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-13603). Thanks to Len for
exposing this problem.
So... I'm respinning the aggregate sites today (JBT WTP, JBT Core, JBT
Core Tests, JBDS Core + Installer).
I could also respin the individual projects too, if we want to verify
that all ours tests are run against the newer TP. Please advise.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio