Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> - lazy Visual Editor update
> The Visual editor is updated on every keystroke. I propose to postpone
> the update for some time. This means - if a user enters a few keys
> quickly, the Visual editor will be updated only once. There is the
> org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.sourcevalidation extenison point within the
> Webtools project that can be used for adding this feature. It is also
> possible to implement this feature using the code I added when fixing
> (we could use 400 ms during
> editing; this is the default value for the sourcevalidation extenison
> point).
If we don't have that already (I thought we had) then definitly since I even
did that for my trivial HQL to SQL view and that gave a tremendous speedup (at
least it is perceived to the user as such)
> - adding the Link (Synchronize) action to the Visual editor next to the
> Preferences, Refresh, Page Design Options actions.
> This action would be a check box similar to the "Link with editor" in
> the Package Explorer view. It would be checked/enabled by default. In
> that case, the VPE would behave as it does now. If the user disables the
> action, the VPE wouldn't be updated (VpeController.notifyChanged()
> wouldn't be called). This would be very useful when editing large JSP
> files. The user could always call Refresh (or check Link) to show the
> visual part of the editor.
I see what you mean here, and I like the idea but what happens when the user
disabled the synchronization and changes from one part of the view to the other -
I guess it should be forcefully updated to make sure the two views are in sync when
they edit each others models ?
Right now we are thinking about if it possible to use caching to avoid
rebuild children tags when we are editing the parent. If the parent tag
has a lot of children tags rebuilding all of them can take a lot of time.
In my opinion after we have separated source and visual editors to
reduce time to rebuild visual part a user can simply switch to source
tab, and there is no necessity in check box link/unlink to visual editor.