Is this as simple as the index used by m2e not being up-to-date? Please try updating the
index within Eclipse (Maven Repositories, locate the JBoss repository, right-click, update
index or rebuild index).
By default, m2e is set to update indexes on every start, so the above may not solve your
problem. (I usually disable this to save time and bandwidth).
Just an idea.
----- Original Message -----
I am not sure if the problem is related to m2e or JBoss Nexus
m2e can't find the org.jboss.jbossts:jbossjts:4.16.0.Final artifact .
Does this artifact exist in the JBoss Nexus indexer?
Paul Gier wrote:
> The team is now responsible for Nexus. Nexus is supposed
> to
> update the index immediately when new artifacts are deployed, but
> maybe
> this isn't working correctly.
> On 01/16/2012 06:35 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> I have been working on
>>> The Source Lookup plugin uses the Nexus indexer to find a source
>>> file for a maven artifact.
>>> The problem happens when I try to debug JBoss AS 7.1 CR1 (or
>>> CR1b).
>>> JBoss AS 7.1.CR1 contains the jbossjts-4.16.0.Final.jar module
>>> (the org.jboss.jbossts:jbossjts:4.16.0.Final maven artifact).
>>> This artifact exists in the JBoss Maven repository
>>> (,
>>> but the Nexus indexer includes this artifact up to version
>>> 4.16.0.Beta1. See the attached screenshot.
>>> There are several jars that aren't included in the indexer. It is
>>> possible that m2e doesn't read the indexer properly.
>>> How frequently does this indexer refresh?
>> Are you asking how often refresh their index or how
>> often m2e refresh their index?
>> I assume your are asking about's ?
>> Thus i've cc'ed in Paul Gier which should know the answer to this.
>> Paul - how often do we run the jboss repo indexer?
>> It's used by tools to lookup artifacts thus when they aren't
>> present then things aren't found…
>> /max
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