Sorry thought jbt orbit = jbt locus. My bad.
Yes so thats should go into JBTIS it sounds like.
So what is left you need locus for ? :)
/max (sent from my phone)
> On 17/06/2013, at 19.57, phantomjinx
<p.g.richardson(a)> wrote:
> Max Andersen <manderse(a)> wrote:
>> Didn't we find that orbit has poi so it should not be in locus ?
>> Jackson - should be opened against JBTIS to take from locus but need
to check if nick finished of locus cleanup.
>> I can't check that right now since I'm on the move. Can check
>> /max (sent from my phone)
>>> On 17/06/2013, at 19.05, Paul Richardson
<p.g.richardson(a)> wrote:
>>> Afternoon,
>>> Can I have some advice ...
>>> I noticed last week that the Designer codebase is still carrying
around some library jars in its
>>> plugins and I am attempting to eliminate them by
>>> a) using dependencies from the TP (jbt-locus +
>>> b) bringing down the library from maven so that at l!
>>> east the
>>> codebase does not carry the library
>>> Consequently, the following libraries are available in jbt's orbit
as TD plugin dependencies:
>>> <unit id="org.apache.poi"
>>> <unit id="org.codehaus.jackson.core"
>>> <unit id="org.codehaus.jackson.mapper"
>>> I notice in the target file based on the that the 4.30.5.Alpha5/REPO
>>> [1] is the repository responsible for making available orbit
located bundles? Is that right?
>>> Should I file a JIRA against JBIDE or JBITS?
>>> Any help much appreciated.
>>> Cheers
>>> PGR
>>> [1]
>>> --
>>> Paul Richardson
>>> * p.g.richardson(a)!
>>> m
>>> *
>>> pgrichardson(a)
>>> * mob: +44 (0)9780 869490
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> Re. poi - correct. Its not in locus and I am taking it from orbit but
merging it into the designer target separately using the merge mojo.
> Re. Jackson. Confused... Its already in jbt's orbit mirror so should
not need to go in locus.
> Just need the bundles in orbit mirror included in TP somehow. I'll
jira against JBTIS to log it.
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Mockito, Saxon and jcip annotations.
Locus still necessary and, although being merged into TD target at the moment, will I
assume be included in the integration stack.