Hi All:
I previously thought using an project-scoped preference eclipse
preference node would properly store the data in your project so that
the preference is a per-project setting and so that also these
preferences can be shared.
This is not the case, as from this article:
* /Project scope/. This scope stores values that are specific to a
single project in your workspace, such as code formatter and
compiler settings. Note that this scope is provided by the
org.eclipse.core.resources plug-in, which is not included in the
Eclipse Rich Client Platform. This scope will not exist in
applications that don’t explicitly include the resources plug-in.
Settings saved in the following method, while on a project-scope, are
still saved in the workspace, which means they're not persisted to cvs /
svn / etc.
IScopeContext context = new ProjectScope(project);
IEclipsePreferences node = context.getNode(qualifier);
if (node != null)
node.putDouble(IJBossESBFacetDataModelProperties.ESB_PROJECT_VERSION, 2.0);
Does anyone know how to actually put some settings inside the .settings
folder of a project the way JDT and WTP do? Thanks.