On Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 4:08 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen <
max.andersen(a)redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Xavier,
you keep forgetting jbosstools-dev list for these things.
Not this time ;-)
> I just commited a fix to a trivial issue (
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-9333), although this fix had been on
my machine for several days (sorry about that).
> I'm also working on fixing the other bugs, and to do so, I'm rewriting a
the part of code that listens to changes. Before, it was an
IncrementalProjectBuilder that would deal with ResourceDeltas, it's now a
JavaElementChangesListener that is be notified of fine grained changes such
as methods/fields changes, or classpath changes, for exemple. This listener
filters the events that the JAX-RS Metamodel might be interested in and then
notifies the Metamodel of the changes that occurred.
> This rewrite takes more time than I expected, so I'm afraid it won't be
done for the upcoming 3.3M3.
But the current code in trunk is releasable correct ?
Yes, nothing is commited yet, so it's the same as in the previous milestone
> On the good side : instead of having to wait for a resource
change (ie:
saved), the JAX-RS Metamodel may reflect the changes while the working
copies are modified (ie: when the developer writes code). Also, I hope that
some pieces of the code that deal with content assist/code completion may be
factorized or simplified.