Worthy to note one more thing, if you submit first PR for module after
release do not forget increment service part of the modules' version.
On 07/23/2013 08:47 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
Worthy of note too, *there is no scheduled 4.1.1 release* (Beta, CR,
or Final) at this time. There is also *no scheduled 4.2.0* scheduled
at this time.
Both will *most likely* happen, but no dates have been set ... yet.
We should have a better idea of the Aug/Sept/Oct release plans in the
next few weeks - Max is back Monday Aug 29, so the conversations can
begin in earnest then.
On 07/22/2013 08:06 PM, Denis Golovin wrote:
> It is open for bug fixing, which requires every issue assigned to
> 4.1.1.Final to have PR request assigned, reviewed and approved by Max,
> Fred or me before pushing it to 4.1.x branch. There should be no API
> changes in PR requests for 4.1.1.Final.
> Most likely nothing is going to be approved until end of the next week
> unless really urgent blocking issues are discovered.
> Denis
> On 07/22/2013 04:06 PM, Alexey Kazakov wrote:
>> Is 4.1.x branch open now for 4.1.1 bug fixing?
>> On 07/22/2013 10:28 AM, Nick Boldt wrote:
>>> JBoss Tools 4.1.0.Final is now available.
>>> This is a stable release aimed at Eclipse 4.3.0 (Kepler) users.
>>> Eclipse Marketplace:
>>> Update Sites:
>>> Installation + Download Pages:
>>> Requirement Sites:
>>> (These are loaded automatically into Eclipse when installing JBoss
>>> Tools
>>> from the URLs above. Provided here simply for reference.)
>>> --
>>> New + Noteworthy:
>>> Subject to change, the latest N&N is here:
>>> and
>>> --
>>> Schedule / Upcoming Releases:
>>> ---------
>>> Project leads, please tag your projects!
>>> co jbosstools-4.1.0.Finalx
>>> git tag jbosstools-4.1.0.Final
>>> git push origin jbosstools-4.1.0.Final
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