With the code freeze for JBoss Tools 4.3.1.Beta2 next Thursday Jan 21,
it's once again time to update our target platforms.
Here's the current list of planned changes.
JBIDE-21366 Include nightly build of Docker tooling in TP
JBIDE-21405 Add RedDeer 1.0.1 to target platform
JBIDE-21377 Include Yaml editor in JBoss Tools (& JBDS) via feature
dep from o.j.t.central & add to CoreTools category, too
JBDS-3566 include AERI in JBDS
If you have something else that needs updating, please link those
JIRAs/Bugzillas to this JIRA:
JBIDE-21406 Create and use Mars.2 RC1 target platform
If the change should ALSO be done in the Neon stream (JBT 4.4 / JBDS
10) please also link to this issue:
JBIDE-21386 Create and use Neon M5 target platform
Neon M5 will be available between Jan 29 and Feb 5 [1], so we'll be
updating the Neon TP soon too.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio