Quick reminder about upcoming dates/deadlines/action items.
2016-08-31: devstudio & jbosstools TP freeze.
2016-09-01: devstudio & jbosstools code freeze.
2016-09-02: devstudio & jbosstools GA bits staged for QE
2016-09-05 to 09: Quiet Week
2016-09-12 to 13: release devstudio & jbosstools bits to production
Additional details and Action Items are listed below.
== 2016-08-31: devstudio & jbosstools TP freeze.
ACTION REQUIRED: Please have anything you want changed in the target
platform available publically before 9am PST / noon EST / 6pm CET on
Wednesday, so I can pull it into the TP & release the .Final target
platforms to Nexus. (Looking at you, Docker/Openshift folks.)
== 2016-09-01: devstudio & jbosstools code freeze.
ACTION REQUIRED: Your final commits for Final/GA release should be in
master branch by 9am PST / noon EST / 6pm CET on Thursday, so that
Jeff or Alexey can update your root poms to point to target platform
version 4.4.1.Final-SNAPSHOT & create the jbosstools-4.4.1.x branches.
Note that as before, JIRAs will be created for these steps, but the
work will be done by one person. Hooray for streamlining process.
Please verify that the steps listed in the JIRA are completed - even
if Jeff or Alexey is doing the root pom fix & branching work, it's
YOUR project which needs to be properly managed. :D
If you need more time to fix last-minute BLOCKER bugs, don't worry.
The build will run over night on Thursday and I'll pick up whatever's
been created Friday morning (EST) to push that to staging [1], [2] for
QE. Please make sure that if you DO commit something late in the day
on Thursday, you KICK YOUR BUILD in Jenkins and ensure it's not red
after your commit. No "commit-and-runs", please!
Once your 4.4.1.x branches exist, your master branch will be open for
work against Neon.1: jbosstools 4.4.2 / devstudio 10.2.
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/neon/staging/updates/ and
https://devstudio.jboss.com/10.0/staging/updates/ and
== 2016-09-02: devstudio & jbosstools GA bits staged for QE (not on DM or CSP)
ACTION REQUIRED: start work against Neon.1: jbosstools 4.4.2 /
devstudio 10.2 in master branch. GA will be in Dec; specific dates
== 2016-09-05 to 09: Quiet Week. Hopefully no respins needed!
ACTION REQUIRED: If a blocker is found for which a respin is needed,
please contact Mickael Istria (jbosstools/devstudio) and Denis Golovin
(devsuite), as I'll be on PTO from Sep 3-10.
== 2016-09-12 to 13: release devstudio & jbosstools bits to production
(including DM and CSP)
ACTION REQUIRED: keep working on Neon.1 stuff. :D
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio