Just FYI:
The global policy on jira
jboss.org is that this permission is not enabled.
(just like you cannot delete your own comments)
Main reason I believe is that you can accidentally delete an important comment/attachment
then comments/history etc. is all screwed. No history.
I believe the amount of times we need to "clean up" jira attachments is like 1-2
a year
thus that "burden" is okey compared to loosing data.
Note: All admins can help doing this - not just me.
If you guys tell me that you have this problem *often* then I can look at
getting it changed globally but thats an uphill battle I don't want to do unless
I got some evidence of it being a big issue.
On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 10:54:56AM +0200, Mickael Istria wrote:
>Works for me, but maybe I have Special Powerz in JIRA?
Yes, and I don't have those special powers...
Although PR are better, they're only good when dealing with code
contribution, on a GitHub repo. My latest use-case for attachment is
on JBDS, which still uses SVN/patched based process.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <
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