franleplant <franleplant(a)> wrote, in response to Vineet Reynolds:
Hey Vineet!
Thanks for your quick response, so, if I follow up those easy steps I could deploy the app
in Open Shift and also use PostgreSql DB without making any changes to the persistance.xml
or the code base?
I think that is simply amazing, the Jboss stack is one the most wonderful thing I've
seen in Java.
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Vineet Reynolds wrote:
Hi franleplant,
At the moment you could use PostgreSQL on OpenShift.
You'll need to follow the instructions here
. Specifically run "mvn clean package -Ppostgresql-openshift" and then deploy on
an EAP 6 OpenShift cartridge that also has the PostgreSQL cartridge added. Running the
Maven package goal with the "postgresql-openshift" profile will ensure that a
persistence.xml file tailored for OpenShift w/PostgreSQL is packaged into the
TicketMonster WAR.
You could also use the "postgresql" profile, like "mvn clean package
-Ppostgresql" for a standalone deployment, but we haven't covered installation of
the JDBC driver onto a local JBoss instance in this tutorial.
Hope this helps.
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