Demetrio <DemeCarv_Emphasys(a)> wrote, in response to Vineet
Vineet, thanks for your replying. Nevertheless, I am using exactly the source from the git
and so, in my project, already there is the import of EmbeddedCacheManager both in
SeatAllocationService and CartStore and I am getting the warning "No bean is eligible
for injection to the injection point [JSR-299 §5.2.1]" on the line
public SeatAllocationService(EmbeddedCacheManager manager) {...
When I tried to deploy the project I get the error WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies
for type [EmbeddedCacheManager] " as previously mentioned. This is my first use of
Infinispan and at least in the tutorial doens't say to configure nothing further the
marvem sets. I have confirmed that I have the jar in the project library
Should I install some libs or start some service? I am asking this because in my opinion
the warning suggests that it is not find the lib even though it is in the lib of the
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Vineet Reynolds wrote:
Hi Demetrio, thanks for reporting this. I'll try and address both of your problems:
1. The unsatisfied dependencies exception is not thrown when I work off the TicketMonster
sources on Git. There's a difference between the source listing of
SeatAllocationService here in the tutorial and on Git, since the one on the site does not
list the use of EmbeddedCacheManager and JDG. I'd recommend using the Git sources for
now (tags 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 should be ok), until the site is synchronized. I've raised
JDF-259: to track this.
2. The PDF does indeed miss a few lines of the SeatAllocationService. I'd recommend
sticking to the git sources of 2.1.0 or 2.1.1 (preferably) or the JDF site for now. Raised
JDF-260: to track ...
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