Victeur <ladekas(a)> (unregistered) wrote:
며칠 전 FlexComponent라는 네이버 카페의 브라이이언 최성훈 님으로부터 한국어로 번역을 요청받아 오늘 대략적인 번역을 마쳤습니다. 번역하면서 세상은 이런
정보의 공유를 통해 더 잘 발전한다는 것을 새삼 느꼈습니다.
I was asked to translate this tutorial into Korean for Korean Developers a few days ago by
Brian Choi who is the master of FlexComponent Naver Cafe
( I finished the work although it is
not perfect. During the job I have convinced that this world is progressing thanks to the
devotion of those who I don't know but evidently dedicate for the people. Thank you
Author: Burr Sutter and Contributors: Pete Muir | Marius Bogoevici.
You can find and the translated document at my blog >
JBOSS > 티켓몬스터 튜토리얼 00 ~10 : TicketMonster Tutorial : JBoss (JavaBeans Open Source
Software Application Server) . Any feedback is welcome^^*
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