Alan Chang <> wrote, in response to Aidan D:
Yes, I also spent a lot time on greeter / h2 console... >"<
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Aidan D (unregistered) wrote:
wow, thanks Burr & Pette & Marius great i'm following this tutorial now,
just minor typo though :
should be : "" under "Adding a
JAX-RS...." link
and if its ok to add the link for the greeter / h2-console download link here:
Bec. I almost got lost on finding/configuring h2-console in quickstarts,
im using JBoss Developer Studio 5.0.1 GA and jboss-as-7.1.1.Final...
I think I gonna love and stick to jboss now... :)
Thanks to you guys, great job, these tutorials makes life and learning easier.
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