Hello all,
6.2 M2 status: There were a lot of changes over the weekend, there hasn't been much
feedback on M1, and the pass-through feature has not been added (again not much feedback),
so M2 will be delayed until 8/13. In the meantime let's keep assessing current 6.2
6.3 planning: Start capturing your thoughts (vote, send messages to the dev-list, etc.)
for what is appropriate in the next release. This will again be targeted at a 12 week
7.0 planning: I am in favor of ending the 6.x line at 6.3 and start on major changes in a
longer 7.0 cycle. This would also probably necessitate a 6.3.1 to address defects while
7.0 is still solidifying. As a start the current 6.x items will be rolled into the 7.x
bucket and a 7.0 bucket will be created. Community direction will be essential for this
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