Hi Arjan,
Just few notes here:
* A lot of users think that it's irrelevant what BeanManager instance
they're working on. The truth is the spec does not define this, i.e.
whether there are multiple BeanManager instances in application or
single one. On the other hand, some BeanManager methods assume a
specific context. See for example BeanManager.getBeans(Type, Annotation...):
"Return the set of beans which have the given required type and
qualifiers and are available for injection _in the module
or library containing the class into which the BeanManager was
injected or the Java EE component from whose JNDI environment namespace
the BeanManager was obtained_, according to the rules of typesafe
I believe this implies that a concrete BeanManager reference should
never be used outside the "module" it was injected in. Otherwise,
methods like getBeans() will not work correctly.
* CDI.current().getBeanManager() is IMHO underspecified. Javadoc
mentions "the current context" but it's not clear what does it mean.
* In Weld, there is a BeanManager per bean archive, but as said above
it's just an implementation detail.
* WRT you use case - it's even more complicated, because you're
referencing a JSF implicit dependency, which is not a regular
application bean archive, nor a Java EE module, nor does it contain
beans.xml (only extensions). org.jboss.as.weld.WeldProvider returns the
BeanManager for the "synthetic" bean archive created for the JSF
"module" as you're probably calling CDI.current() from a class located
in the JSF lib. JNDI lookup returns the BeanManager for the EAR (I have
no idea how JNDI works here).
* Last but not least - EARs are problematic and always will be (see for
example all the @ApplicationScoped and visibility discussions).
Dne 28.4.2016 v 14:15 arjan tijms napsal(a):
I noticed a difference between using CDI.current()
and initialContext.lookup("java:comp/BeanManager") when called from
within a container jar (e.g. Mojarra) in a modular application server
(e.g. JBoss/WildFly).
With CDI.current() the bean manager I get when called from within
Mojarra is:
"Weld BeanManager for com.sun.jsf-impl:main.additionalClasses [bean
With initialContext.lookup("java:comp/BeanManager") it's:
Weld BeanManager for example_app.ear/example_app.war/WEB-INF/classes
[bean count=97]
Where "example_app" is an EAR application that I used for testing.
I wonder, is this difference intended and did I overlook something, or
is it an unfortunate consequence of something? An additional problem is
that not all (modular) application servers act the same here. E.g. in
GlassFish/Payara I get the application bean manager in both cases.
Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms
cdi-dev mailing list
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Martin Kouba
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Czech Republic