Run into an interesting issue. Not sure if its an RI problem, or something else.
Actually not even sure if its a problem just surprised me.
I have two very simple main methods here:
try(SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance()
.initialize()) {
Event<Object> event = container.getBeanManager().getEvent();
FixedThreadPoolExecutorServices executorServices = new
CompletionStage<Pojo> completionStage = event.fireAsync(new Pojo("this is
asynchronous"), NotificationOptions.ofExecutor(executorServices.getTaskExecutor()));
completionStage.whenCompleteAsync((pojo, throwable) ->
Pojo(pojo.showName() + ", and now this is synchronous")));
public static void main(String...args) throws Exception{
try(SeContainer container = SeContainerInitializer.newInstance()
.initialize()) {
Event<Object> event = container.getBeanManager().getEvent();
CompletionStage<Pojo> completionStage = event.fireAsync(new Pojo("this is
completionStage.whenCompleteAsync((pojo, throwable) ->
Pojo(pojo.showName() + ", and now this is synchronous")));
In the first, I'm using a custom executor (a 2 thread pool executor) and the latter
just using the default unspecified version, which weld seems to use a fork-join pool. In
both of these examples, I use the whenCompleteAsync method. in the first method, I always
see the fired event being handled in a different thread than what handled the first event.
In the second method, I always see the fired events both being handled in the same
thread. Is that just the behavior of fork-join? Or something special happening?
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