Hi Ondrej,
would it be possible to push it on ee list too? Scanning is not limited to
CDI and at EE level EJB, Servlet etc... can get the exact same issue. A
global scanning config would benefit the whole platform and CDI could just
reuse it when not in EE.
Romain Manni-Bucau
@rmannibucau <
Some Java EE 6 apps still have issues with implicit scanning, even though
they don't use guava and sometimes it is not possible to put beans.xml file
into the problematic JARs. People are having issues with this when
migrating to Glassfish 4 or Payara from Glassfish 3.
With Payara server, we are thinking of creating an option in
server-specific app descriptor to disable CDI completely either for whole
application or just for specific modules.
I think it would make sense to consider some standardization of this
approach in CDI 2, as I've seen issues with this on stackoverflow also with
other app servers. Or is it already planned?
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