Tomas Remes commented on CDI-540:
I fully agree with this. Why developer needs to ask {{CDIProvider}} whether {{CDI}} is
initialized? And what does it mean actually? I think {{CDIProvider.isInitialized()}}
method would make more sense as method on {{CDI}} and named like {{isRunning}} (since we
have shutdown method).
Clarify CDI container initialization in Java SE
Key: CDI-540
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Clarification
Components: Java SE Integration
Affects Versions: 2.0-EDR1
Reporter: Martin Kouba
{{CDIProvider.isInitialized()}} javadoc should be clarified. I believe the spec should be
more specific and define what it means for a CDIProvider to be initialized. E.g. _"a
{{CDIProvider}} is initialized if at least one CDI container was started and is still
{{CDI.shutdown()}} currently must throw an {{IllegalStateException}} if the container is
already stopped (actually, the javadoc is missing this piece of information). However,
there is no way how to find out whether a CDI container is running or not.
{{CDIProvider.isInitialized()}} would be usable if multiple running containers were
forbidden (which I hope will not be). Also it wouldn't make sense to ask an instance
of {{CDIProvider}} whether a concrete {{CDI}} instance is running...
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