Jozef Hartinger commented on CDI-533:
I don't think there is a conflict actually:
Section 5.1 says:
Beans and their clients may be deployed in modules in a module architecture such as the
Java EE environment. In a module architecture, certain modules are considered bean
archives. In the Java EE module architecture, any Java EE module or library is a module.
The Java EE module or library is a bean archive if it contains a beans.xml file.
It basically says that a bean archive is either a Java EE module or a library jar.
Let's use an example
|-- web1.war
| |-- WEB-INF/classes
| |-- WEB-INF/lib
| |-- weblib1.jar
| |-- weblib2.jar
|-- ejb1.jar
|-- lib/
| |-- earlib1.jar
According to section 5.1 we (possibly) have the following bean archives:
* web1.war and ejb1.jar which are modules
* weblib1.jar, weblib2.jar and earlib1.jar are library jars
On top of 5.1, section 12.1 defines what it means for a module to be a bean archive. More
specifically it says:
When determining which archives are bean archives, the container must consider:
* Library jars, EJB jars or application client jars
* The WEB-INF/classes directory of a war
* Directories in the JVM classpath
The *The WEB-INF/classes directory of a war* is important here. It defines what it means
specifically for a web module to be a bean archive. It defines that the web1.war, as a
bean archive, only contains classes located under the _WEB-INF/classes_ directory.
Therefore, in our application we have the following bean archives:
* web1.war (contains WEB-INF/classes only) and ejb1.jar which are modules
* weblib1.jar, weblib2.jar and earlib1.jar which are library jars
Therefore, there is no overlap as library jars are handled separately (by 5.1 and 12.1)
and the bean archive for a web module is defined to contain classes from _WEB-INF/classes_
Bean Deployment archive conflicts between section 5 and section 12
Key: CDI-533
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Clarification
Components: Packaging and Deployment
Affects Versions: 1.2.Final
Environment: n/a
Reporter: Emily Jiang
In CDI1.2 spec, the definition for bean archive are conflicting between section 5 and
section 12;
In section 5,
Beans and their clients may be deployed in modules in a module architecture such as the
Java EE environment. In a module architecture, certain modules are considered bean
archives. In the Java EE module architecture, any Java EE module or library is a module.
The Java EE module or library is a bean archive if it contains a beans.xml file.
This section talks about the bean deployment on the module or library level. It indicates
one web module (may contain web-inf\lib etc) is a single bean archive. The smallest unit
is a module or a lib.
While in section 12:
When determining which archives are bean archives, the container must consider:
• Library jars, EJB jars or application client jars
• The WEB-INF/classes directory of a war
• Directories in the JVM classpath
It indicates each jar should be a bean archive. The smallest unit is a jar.
I started this conversation with Mark, Jozef, Antoine, Romain. The correct implementation
is section 12. So section 5 needs to be reworked.
All conversation is on the cdi-dev mailing list.
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