Romain Manni-Bucau commented on CDI-710:
[~manovotn] didn't want to hurt anyone but literally was impossible to use in any app
or PoC I did based on CDI 2.0 and can't think to real use cases - but demos - where
dropping this API would hurt.
About OWB and ForkJoinPool.commonPool: the only reason it is used is to not create a
dedicated pool by default (in standalone and EE) and try to just reuse what is here for
low async usage (but true it assumes this pool will be used). In Servlet/EE case you add
the fact the config would be highly vendor specific and not controllable JVM wide then
commonPool was not a that bad choice for the default - at least as bad as a custom one.
Require default event ExecutorService to be managed on Java EE
Key: CDI-710
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Feature Request
Components: Events
Reporter: Guillermo González de Agüero
When running on a Java EE environment, CDI should use a managed executor service by
default for asynchronous operations.
This is already required by the JAX-RS 2.1 spec
http://download.oracle.com/otndocs/jcp/jaxrs-2_1-pfd-spec/index.html), section 5.8:
{quote}In an environment that supports the Concurrency Utilities for Java EE [13], such
as the Java EE Full Profile, implementations MUST use ManagedExecutorService and
ManagedScheduledExecutorService, respectively. The reader is referred to the Javadoc of
ClientBuilder for more information about executor services.{quote}
Containers will presumably offer monitoring features and thread pool configuration
options for managed executor services.