Hi All,
I’ve been working since thursday on the website to prepare it for new contents and
contributions. As I worked mainly on foundation, nothing is visible from the website. You
can check the « new » version on staging URL [1].
Except for a few colors and pixel here and there, you should find the same site (let me
know if I missed something before I switch to this new version tomorrow probably).
So what was done ? :
- Update to Awestruct 0.5.3 (version 0.5.4 is still in Release Candidate),
- Update to Bootstap 3.1.1 (to avoid adding content with a « legacy » framework). Was a
long work because a lot of things changed in templating.
- Review Awestruct packaging to be able to generate the site and launch it more easily
(it has been a hell to sort the problems out)
- Clean all the css and ruby dependencies hell we had before.
You can check the new Readme that gives all information regarding Awestruct usage and
contribution. These modification are still in their own branch (bootstrap3) to check if I
didn’t missed something.
Please take a few minutes to test the new approach with Rake that is described in the
README file and tell me if you encountered issues (didn’t have windows and linux box to
Website Next step :
- figure out why Jira plugin does’ work
- work on the tutorial. I’ll send an other email on the subject.
[1] :
[2] :