JBoss Developer Studio Version 7.0.1.GA Server Launch Configuration Classpath Problem
by jbdevstudio-users@lists.jboss.org
I am trying to add an external folder to the classpath of a JBoss EAP 6.1 server in JBoss Developer Studio. When I click the "Open Launch Configuration" popup and select the Classpath tab, I am able to add the external folder to the "User Entries" tree using the "Advanced..." button and then selecting "Add External Folder". However, when I save and re-open the Launch Configuration, the classpath reverts back to the default settings. Note that the same problem exists for all other User Entries like adding Projects, etc.
I've seen this bug in an earlier version of JBoss Developer Studio so it's probably been fixed before but somehow got missed in this latest release. Also note that JBoss Developer Studio version 6.0.1.GA does not have this problem, however, Version 7.0.1.GA does.
Posted by forums
Original post: https://community.jboss.org/message/845685#845685