Hey, Peter.
{quote:class=jive_text_macro jive_macro_quote}Ah ha!!! Just tested the last statement by
launching a fresh instance of CordovaSim and hitting the refresh button immediately after
it loaded. Then changed a file and livereload crashed with the "Widget is
disposed" exception.{quote}
Got it! I have created a separate issue for that with your screencast^ - [JBIDE-19091]
Cordovasim: Livereload stop working after pressing 'Refresh' button from the
Platform toolbar - JBoss Iss… (
In terms of the original issue. Just want to sum up everything we know:
1. It's not coupled with debugging / chrome
2. Web sql db has local storage implementation under the hood. The issue with *evaluating
'localStorage['_db_data_' + name]') on line 262 for undefined* might be
coupled with javaFx implementation of it. Basically, javaFx has localstorage support only
from JDK 8. It seems to be somehow coupled with localstorage initialization in javaFx.
However, now I can't repro it. It looks like sometimes localstorage stop working for
javaFx. Need to investigate it more properly. Please, let me know if you will be able to
figure out steps to reproduce.
3. Basically, livereload stop working on the pages with websql (even if the localstorage
is working correctly). Technically it works, but after refresh only the blank screen is
shown. So it's not coupled with the livereload itself (even when the manual refresh is
performed only blank screen is shown).
I guess it could be coupled with the fact that ionic loses it's state on refresh. I
want to check it on the real device by adding *<a
href="javascript:location.reload(true)">Refresh this page</a>* to the
different pages and test it.
Will let you know once I check everything ;-)
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