Thanks Ilya for opening the issue on the JBoss Issue Tracker. Would you prefer to
continue the conversation here or there? Personally I would prefer here as I'm fairly
new to this sort of development and there is a reasonable chance I'm just doing
something stupid. Perhaps move to the issue tracker when we have a bit better idea as to
what is happening?
The issue persists if I restart CordovaSim and is 100% reproducible with this project.
I am using 64-bit JDK 8 Update 31 and haven't yet come across any issues related to
that. Project is using Ionic Crosswalk browser integration but I don't think that is
relevant as it is mostly to do with the apk build I think.
My project was originally based on the ionic sidemenu template. I have started a new
sidemenu project that works with live reload and I have started adding pieces to it from
my own project until livereload breaks :-)
I am using a WebSQL database initialised in app.js Added this to original sidemenu and it
still works fine though it complains about database initialisation on subsequent reloads.
Never the less the reload works.
I think the issue has something to do with pages that use the database information. If I
don't enter any of these, live reload works. However, once I have visited one such
page, live reload fails from then on.
I can make the project available if you would like to look into it?
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