I'm using JBDS 8.0.2.
I have a remote EAP 6.3.1 server which accepts EAP CLI commands at the following
socket: docker1.ose.opentlc.com:10999 .
From my local workstation, i can manage this remote EAP server with no issues:
$JBOSS_HOME/bin/jboss-cli.sh --controller=docker1.ose.opentlc.com:10999 --connect
--user=myuser --password=mypassword
The EAP JVM is containerized in docker. The docker container does not expose an ssh
This docker container is running on a a RHEL7 host (
The RHEL7 host does include an ssh server.
I'm wondering if its possible to manage this remote dockerized EAP JVM container
from my local JBDS 8.0.2 ??
In general, it seems that JBDS is capable of managing remote EAP hosts .
However, it appears that ssh to the operating system that the EAP JVM is running on (in
my case the docker container that does not expose ssh) is a requirement.
Is this last assertion correct or am i missing something ?
thank you!
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