[...truncated 10750 lines...]
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.20.0:p2-metadata-default (default-p2-metadata-default) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] --- repository-utils:0.19.0-SNAPSHOT:generate-repository-facade (generate-facade) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] --- tycho-pack200a-plugin:0.20.0:normalize (pack200-normalize) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] Pack200 normalizing jar
[INFO] --- exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (jarsign) @ org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test
[INFO] skipping execute as per configuraion
[INFO] --- tycho-pack200b-plugin:0.20.0:pack (pack200-pack) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] Pack200 packing jar
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.20.0:p2-metadata (attached-p2-metadata) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] --- tycho-p2-plugin:0.20.0:p2-metadata (p2-metadata) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] --- tycho-surefire-plugin:0.20.0:test (default-test) @
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ---
[INFO] Fetching org.apache.felix.gogo.command_0.10.0.v201209301215.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 31.13kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.apache.felix.gogo.command_0.10.0.v201209301215...
[INFO] Fetching org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime_0.10.0.v201209301036.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 34.21kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.apache.felix.gogo.runtime_0.10.0.v201209301036...
[INFO] Fetching org.apache.felix.gogo.shell_0.10.0.v201212101605.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 30.62kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.apache.felix.gogo.shell_0.10.0.v201212101605...
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.cocoa_0.11.200.v20140417-0906.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 18.56kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.equinox.event_1.3.100.v20140115-1647.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 14.8kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.event_1.3.100.v20140115-1647...
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 27.61kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008...
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.0.0.v20140403-1907.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 99.71kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.osgi.compatibility.state_1.0.0.v20140403-1907...
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.cocoa.macosx_1.1.200.v20140427-1923.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 48.51kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.cocoa.macosx_1.1.200.v20140427-1923...
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.equinox.console_1.1.0.v20140131-1639.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 46.63kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.console_1.1.0.v20140131-1639...
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.e4.rcp_1.3.100.v20140430-1917.jar from
(0B of 18.99kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.emf.common_2.10.0.v20140428-0336.jar from
(0B of 17.34kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.emf.ecore_2.10.0.v20140428-0336.jar from
(0B of 17.38kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Fetching org.eclipse.ui.ide.application_1.0.500.v20140410-1519.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 34.03kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.ui.ide.application_1.0.500.v20140410-1519...
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.cocoa.macosx.x86_64_1.1.200.v20140427-1923.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 29.51kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.200.v20140427-1923.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 25.77kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.200.v20140427-1923...
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_64_1.1.200.v20140427-1923.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 27.91kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_1.1.200.v20140427-1923.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 74.24kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_1.1.200.v20140427-1923...
[INFO] Fetching
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20140427-1923.jar.pack.gz from
(0B of 78.09kB at 0B/s)
[INFO] Unpacking org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.gtk.linux.x86_64_1.1.200.v20140427-1923...
[WARNING] The following locally built units have been used to resolve project
[WARNING] org.hibernate.eclipse.console/3.8.0.Beta2-v20140523-2331-B35
[WARNING] org.hibernate.eclipse.libs/3.8.0.Beta2-v20140523-2331-B35
[WARNING] org.hibernate.eclipse.mapper/3.8.0.Beta2-v20140523-2331-B35
[WARNING] org.hibernate.eclipse/3.8.0.Beta2-v20140523-2331-B35
[INFO] Expected eclipse log file:
[INFO] Command line:
[/qa/tools/opt/x86_64/jdk1.6.0_45/jre/bin/java, -Dosgi.noShutdown=false, -Dosgi.os=linux,, -Dosgi.arch=x86_64,
-Xms512m, -Xmx1024m, -XX:PermSize=256m, -XX:MaxPermSize=256m,
-Dorg.eclipse.ui.testsDisableWorkbenchAutoSave=true, -Dosgi.clean=true, -jar,
-application, org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.osgibooter.uitest, -testproperties,
-product, org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test.product]
Running org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test.ConsolePluginAllTests
copyFiles: 0
copyLibs: 0
build: 0
0 errors. 0 fails. 39.9 sec. {mapping.batchfetch}
0 errors. 0 fails. 69.0 sec. {mapping.orphan}
0 errors. 0 fails. 27.9 sec. {mapping.unconstrained}
0 errors. 0 fails. 13.3 sec. {mapping.idclass}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.7 sec. {mapping.abstractembeddedcomponents.cid}
0 errors. 0 fails. 33.8 sec. {mapping.abstractembeddedcomponents.propertyref}
0 errors. 0 fails. 47.1 sec. {}
0 errors. 0 fails. 30.0 sec. {mapping.onetoone.formula}
0 errors. 0 fails. 33.4 sec. {mapping.onetoone.optional}
0 errors. 0 fails. 62.7 sec. {mapping.onetoone.joined}
0 errors. 0 fails. 62.0 sec. {mapping.onetoone.singletable}
0 errors. 0 fails. 51.3 sec. {mapping.idprops}
0 errors. 0 fails. 20.1 sec. {mapping.onetomany}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.0 sec. {mapping.collection.bag}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.2 sec. {mapping.collection.set}
0 errors. 0 fails. 9.9 sec. {mapping.collection.idbag}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.5 sec. {mapping.collection.list}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.2 sec. {}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.4 sec. {mapping.collection.original}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.5 sec. {mapping.ordered}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.6 sec. {mapping.querycache}
0 errors. 0 fails. 70.0 sec. {mapping.cid}
0 errors. 0 fails. 67.9 sec. {mapping.proxy}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.4 sec. {mapping.sql.check}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.6 sec. {mapping.unidir}
0 errors. 0 fails. 47.0 sec. {mapping.insertordering}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.6 sec. {mapping.subselectfetch}
0 errors. 0 fails. 99.3 sec. {mapping.joinfetch}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.7 sec. {mapping.cache}
0 errors. 0 fails. 30.9 sec. {mapping.ternary}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.7 sec. {mapping.cut}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.6 sec. {mapping.lob}
Unable to set nested messages property.
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.1 sec. {mapping.reattachment}
0 errors. 0 fails. 18.7 sec. {mapping.discriminator}
0 errors. 0 fails. 32.8 sec. {mapping.optlock}
0 errors. 0 fails. 18.8 sec. {mapping.mixed}
0 errors. 0 fails. 20.4 sec. {mapping.ondelete}
0 errors. 0 fails. 9.8 sec. {mapping.iterate}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.6 sec. {mapping.idbag}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.0 sec. {mapping.exception}
0 errors. 0 fails. 32.3 sec. {mapping.component.basic}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.3 sec. {mapping.component.cascading.collection}
0 errors. 0 fails. 49.0 sec. {mapping.component.cascading.toone}
0 errors. 0 fails. 45.8 sec. {mapping.criteria}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.1 sec. {mapping.lazycache}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.8 sec. {mapping.ecid}
0 errors. 0 fails. 48.1 sec. {mapping.dynamicentity.interceptor}
0 errors. 0 fails. 48.0 sec. {mapping.dynamicentity.tuplizer}
0 errors. 0 fails. 21.3 sec. {mapping.joinedsubclass}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.5 sec. {mapping.rowid}
0 errors. 0 fails. 50.4 sec. {mapping.typedonetoone}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.2 sec. {}
0 errors. 0 fails. 46.3 sec. {mapping.generatedkeys.identity}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.3 sec. {mapping.generatedkeys.seqidentity}
0 errors. 0 fails. 46.6 sec. {mapping.version}
0 errors. 0 fails. 47.5 sec. {mapping.version.db}
0 errors. 0 fails. 47.4 sec. {mapping.version.db}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.7 sec. {mapping.stateless}
0 errors. 0 fails. 109.9 sec. {mapping.filter}
0 errors. 0 fails. 12.4 sec. {mapping.timestamp}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.6 sec. {mapping.typeparameters}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.4 sec. {mapping.dialect.functional.cache}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.9 sec. {mapping.readonly}
0 errors. 0 fails. 20.8 sec. {mapping.unionsubclass2}
0 errors. 0 fails. 18.6 sec. {mapping.interfaceproxy}
0 errors. 0 fails. 27.9 sec. {mapping.usercollection.basic}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.9 sec. {mapping.usercollection.parameterized}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.9 sec. {mapping.entitymode.multi}
0 errors. 0 fails. 47.2 sec. {mapping.entitymode.dom4j.many2one}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.1 sec. {mapping.immutable}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.5 sec. {mapping.formulajoin}
0 errors. 0 fails. 30.2 sec. {mapping.value.type.collection.set}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.9 sec. {mapping.value.type.collection.list}
0 errors. 0 fails. 48.6 sec. {}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.4 sec. {mapping.value.type.basic}
0 errors. 0 fails. 46.0 sec. {}
0 errors. 0 fails. 194.6 sec. {mapping.ops}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.5 sec. {mapping.array}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.6 sec. {mapping.tool}
Unable to set nested messages property.
0 errors. 0 fails. 30.1 sec. {mapping.bytecode}
0 errors. 0 fails. 11.2 sec. {mapping.compositeelement}
0 errors. 0 fails. 50.0 sec. {mapping.typedmanytoone}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.8 sec. {mapping.sorted}
0 errors. 0 fails. 48.9 sec. {mapping.interceptor}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.2 sec. {mapping.manytomany}
0 errors. 0 fails. 31.4 sec. {mapping.manytomany.ordered}
0 errors. 0 fails. 30.2 sec. {mapping.manytomany.ordered}
0 errors. 0 fails. 48.9 sec. {mapping.cuk}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.2 sec. {mapping.batch}
0 errors. 0 fails. 27.5 sec. {mapping.mapelemformula}
0 errors. 0 fails. 85.0 sec. {mapping.unionsubclass}
0 errors. 0 fails. 63.5 sec. {mapping.propertyref.basic}
0 errors. 0 fails. 29.2 sec. {mapping.propertyref.component.partial}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.6 sec. {mapping.propertyref.component.complete}
0 errors. 0 fails. 30.8 sec. {mapping.propertyref.inheritence.union}
0 errors. 0 fails. 32.4 sec. {mapping.propertyref.inheritence.discrim}
0 errors. 0 fails. 31.4 sec. {mapping.propertyref.inheritence.joined}
0 errors. 0 fails. 28.5 sec. {mapping.mapcompelem}
0 errors. 0 fails. 101.3 sec. {mapping.any}
0 errors. 0 fails. 90.7 sec. {mapping.instrument.domain}
0 errors. 0 fails. 10.2 sec. {mapping.pagination}
[ERROR] Timeout 3600 s exceeded. Process was killed.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Skipping org.hibernate.eclipse.jdt.ui.test
[INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous failures.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Skipping
[INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous failures.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Skipping
[INFO] This project has been banned from the build due to previous failures.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] hibernatetools.tests .............................. SUCCESS [1.737s]
[INFO] org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test ................ FAILURE [1:00:37.740s]
[INFO] org.hibernate.eclipse.jdt.ui.test ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ................. SKIPPED
[INFO] ........... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 1:01:16.040s
[INFO] Finished at: Fri May 23 20:47:31 EDT 2014
[INFO] Final Memory: 38M/652M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[WARNING] The requested profile "jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite" could not
be activated because it does not exist.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.20.0:test
(default-test) on project org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test: An unexpected error occured
(return code 143). See log for details. -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.20.0:test (default-test) on project
org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test: An unexpected error occured (return code 143). See log
for details.
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.doExecute(
at org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.execute(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.doMain(
at org.apache.maven.cli.MavenCli.main(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launchEnhanced(
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.launch(
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.mainWithExitCode(
at org.codehaus.plexus.classworlds.launcher.Launcher.main(
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException: An unexpected error occured
(return code 143). See log for details.
at org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.TestMojo.runTest(
at org.eclipse.tycho.surefire.TestMojo.execute(
at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute(
... 19 more
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the
following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]
[ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command
[ERROR] mvn <goals> -rf :org.hibernate.eclipse.console.test
Build step 'Invoke top-level Maven targets' marked build as failure
Terminating xvnc.
$ vncserver -kill :44
Killing Xvnc process ID 15041
Archiving artifacts
Recording test results
Description set: